#226…21 Days Later Loss of 9 lbs! ! !

9 lbs may sound like a pittance, maybe a good office joke today, but consider that for 10 years, I have steadily eaten and drank my way to be the PLEASANTLY PLUMP person that I am. All the attempts to change have only added on more pounds. Then there’s that other man in my life, Read more about #226…21 Days Later Loss of 9 lbs! ! ![…]

#215…Got the Mind Right, Got the Plan

I am not without problems. I’m splitting the personality so I can trick myself to lose weight. So there’s me the body, BUT now me the mind. The body has run amuck! Now for THE plan. Visual persuasion is my latest thing. I’m down 4 lbs. in two weeks, a Hallmark miracle! ! ! The Read more about #215…Got the Mind Right, Got the Plan[…]

#214…All Items For Sale… A Song

You all come and see, It’s all got to go, We’re splitting the sheets, No offer too low. The prices are slashed, A whale of a sale. Two lifes have been trashed, all items for sale! Look at the keepsakes, The frames are still nice, A box of heartaches, A handful of rice. Our matching Read more about #214…All Items For Sale… A Song[…]

#213…Good Grief…I’m in Trouble NOW!

The truth of the matter is…that if I speak slowly in Polish to a person speaking in Russian, we can have a conversation and understand each other without a problem. If we speak quickly we have a good gist of what might be said…and all is well. Did I mention that the Baltic countries tend Read more about #213…Good Grief…I’m in Trouble NOW![…]

#212…Best Ever punkinapplejellostrawberrydumpupsidedownmeringuepie !

Never have been a box type dry cake person, probably because Polish cakes are heavy yeast roll cakes filled with poppy seeds or prune butter which I’m positive were designed in Heaven! And Polish jelly filled donuts have no match, they are sooooo delectably delicious, well ok… Wally’s Pastry Shop on North Oak in Kansas Read more about #212…Best Ever punkinapplejellostrawberrydumpupsidedownmeringuepie ![…]

#211…Dancing the Night Away…With Elaine & John Chirieleison

How we miss you. It must be that the two of you were such class acts because you were originated in New York. We had such wonderful times with you at the Eagles Lodge dancing the night away. You saw me thru all my single years with sooo many stories about me you DIDN’T share…and Read more about #211…Dancing the Night Away…With Elaine & John Chirieleison[…]

#210…The Truth About Church…The Real Truth

I’m having my coffee right now and reflecting on “The Church Experience!” We attend Grace Calvary Church in St. Joseph MO.  Let me explain exactly what “church” is…a typical Sunday. Almost to the door of church, “Oh Russ, we left our bags of groceries in the car for the food drive”. He immediately turns around Read more about #210…The Truth About Church…The Real Truth[…]

#209…I’m proud of you…I take it back

I love the season of Christmastime. The excitement of the holidays, the songs, the lights, anticipation of the TRADITIONAL meal only eaten ONCE a year, yes I did say once a year. The borscht with mushroom ears, pickled herring, the boiled pear dumpling, poppy seed cake, yes those are things ONCE a year on Christmas Read more about #209…I’m proud of you…I take it back[…]

#208…Mom…Remembering the Good

My Mom was a planner. She arrived in Schenectady NY as a new war bride after WWII. Looking around, she figured out if she was going to live nice she would have to get educated. She worked 3 jobs and enrolled in Western Reserve (now) University. With 2 years under her belt, she became a Read more about #208…Mom…Remembering the Good[…]

#207…A Jolly Holly Time…Run, Holly, RUN!

I am not normal. I  do things differently then others. My New Year starts Tuesday after Labor Day. Listen, when you have 5 children, you live for that 1st day of school. Now I have grandchildren who have teenagers and I still celebrate New Year’s on Tuesday after Labor Day! FREEDOM! ! !  No one Read more about #207…A Jolly Holly Time…Run, Holly, RUN![…]