#236…Finishing up House Projects and Transitioning to Yard Workhorse

I was actually going to sneak out yesterday and rake a plot and sow poppy seeds which need to be inspired by cold weather AND IT RAINED.  Then the blizzard hit amidst 70 mph winds, the ice set in; power went out and cancelled our SAR meeting for tonight. Hub-sidekick has a good attitude about Read more about #236…Finishing up House Projects and Transitioning to Yard Workhorse[…]

#230…Black/Gray & Coral…Weaving a Common Thread

Feb 23 and it’s going to be 70 degrees. Of course I have spring fever! The miracle is that hub-side kick does also. We ordered up BLACK windows and BLACK doors! ! ! 3X3 sheets of gray flooring. OMG! I am painting up everything I can find in flat black. So I have a black Read more about #230…Black/Gray & Coral…Weaving a Common Thread[…]

#228…I’m Back…Reflecting…

Geez, It’s been 3 1/2 months since I last posted! So much has happened to change my life. We had to get ready for our train trip to Schenectady New York in October. Prepare all the flower plots for winter…the farm…equipment, winterize the motorhome, the house, pack, leave the house clean…so much to do, not Read more about #228…I’m Back…Reflecting…[…]

#227…Books, Magazines Get Me in Trouble…Again

Where do all these projects come from? Why, my beloved magazines…HGTV, BETTER HOMES & GARDENS, GOOD HOUSEKEEPING, WOMAN’S DAY, REAL SIMPLE, COUNTRY HOME and GARDEN GATE. Sometimes 4 issues will come in 1 day. I’m in heaven! But I cannot keep all these magazines, so going thru the pages, there will be nuggets of gold Read more about #227…Books, Magazines Get Me in Trouble…Again[…]

#223…Changing of the Colors, Of Course!

I am my mother’s daughter. Every season 4 times a year she would rearrange the rooms. I have faithfully duplicated that all my life. And then when I was a teen, someone invented the 1st garage sale…yard sale, and I’ve been saling ever since! Now in the late autumn of my life, because of macular Read more about #223…Changing of the Colors, Of Course![…]

#222…The City Sleeps. The Storm Rages. I Write.

Laying there in bed at 3 AM with the thunderstorms screaming around me, I was so filled with thoughts, of ideas…of autumn! Time for a blog. So my thoughts are on the future. I had decided I was in the winter of my life yesterday because I wasn’t feeling well, but I’m thinking this morning Read more about #222…The City Sleeps. The Storm Rages. I Write.[…]

#221…Amazingly It’s getting Done…Almost!

The kids say Mom is anal, hub-sidekick sez “where you gonna put it?” I walked away from this estate sale EVEN though it was 75% off for a total of $18.50! We are talking solid oak with glass doors, glass shelves…light…not one scratch. I’ll let Russ think he brought me to my senses, but the Read more about #221…Amazingly It’s getting Done…Almost![…]

#219…Jump Starting Christmas June 28…Not My Fault!

It is not my fault that yesterday I had to save myself from the embarrassment of being THREE DAYS LATE with my Christmas decor because Tammie Jones posted a fb video of Darryl working on his Christmas lights..LIT lights! So I had to get these lit wrapped packages out on my patio just to save Read more about #219…Jump Starting Christmas June 28…Not My Fault![…]

#214…All Items For Sale… A Song

You all come and see, It’s all got to go, We’re splitting the sheets, No offer too low. The prices are slashed, A whale of a sale. Two lifes have been trashed, all items for sale! Look at the keepsakes, The frames are still nice, A box of heartaches, A handful of rice. Our matching Read more about #214…All Items For Sale… A Song[…]

#208…Mom…Remembering the Good

My Mom was a planner. She arrived in Schenectady NY as a new war bride after WWII. Looking around, she figured out if she was going to live nice she would have to get educated. She worked 3 jobs and enrolled in Western Reserve (now) University. With 2 years under her belt, she became a Read more about #208…Mom…Remembering the Good[…]