#236…Finishing up House Projects and Transitioning to Yard Workhorse

I was actually going to sneak out yesterday and rake a plot and sow poppy seeds which need to be inspired by cold weather AND IT RAINED.  Then the blizzard hit amidst 70 mph winds, the ice set in; power went out and cancelled our SAR meeting for tonight. Hub-sidekick has a good attitude about Read more about #236…Finishing up House Projects and Transitioning to Yard Workhorse[…]

#232…Winter, Spring, Sprinter

  I am soooo ready to play out in my flower plots but it is sooo cold out there! Trees are blossoming…flowers everywhere and still we are in the deep freeze. The garden has been plowed, thank you Terry Goforth, the seeds are waiting and here I sit. Next week, hub side-kick is instructed to Read more about #232…Winter, Spring, Sprinter[…]

#231…70 Degree Drop In One Day…This is Missouri

This is February after all. So this week has been 70’s and then 80..and now this morning snow and 12 degrees. My friends have been asking what all have I been doing outside? The weather never determines my activities. Everything in my life is planned by 4 seasons. Spring does not officially start for almost Read more about #231…70 Degree Drop In One Day…This is Missouri[…]

#229…Valentine’s Day at a New Level

Flowers are true love, chocolate the finest gift…if not diamonds… This morning I experienced the next level of love. Hub side-kick took some time thinking about this. I have been awaiting therapy for arthritis pressing on my nerve endings in my neck and somehow I had fallen between the cracks with an appointment and 4 Read more about #229…Valentine’s Day at a New Level[…]

#228…I’m Back…Reflecting…

Geez, It’s been 3 1/2 months since I last posted! So much has happened to change my life. We had to get ready for our train trip to Schenectady New York in October. Prepare all the flower plots for winter…the farm…equipment, winterize the motorhome, the house, pack, leave the house clean…so much to do, not Read more about #228…I’m Back…Reflecting…[…]

#227…Books, Magazines Get Me in Trouble…Again

Where do all these projects come from? Why, my beloved magazines…HGTV, BETTER HOMES & GARDENS, GOOD HOUSEKEEPING, WOMAN’S DAY, REAL SIMPLE, COUNTRY HOME and GARDEN GATE. Sometimes 4 issues will come in 1 day. I’m in heaven! But I cannot keep all these magazines, so going thru the pages, there will be nuggets of gold Read more about #227…Books, Magazines Get Me in Trouble…Again[…]

#219…Jump Starting Christmas June 28…Not My Fault!

It is not my fault that yesterday I had to save myself from the embarrassment of being THREE DAYS LATE with my Christmas decor because Tammie Jones posted a fb video of Darryl working on his Christmas lights..LIT lights! So I had to get these lit wrapped packages out on my patio just to save Read more about #219…Jump Starting Christmas June 28…Not My Fault![…]

#218…But, Joy Cometh in the Morning

Many of you call me a workhorse with endless energy. Have you considered that 5 children had something to do with it? There is NO goofing off when you live with a crowd. I once hung a sheet of paper above my washer and dryer. End of the week…16 hash marks for loads done! And Read more about #218…But, Joy Cometh in the Morning[…]

#215…Got the Mind Right, Got the Plan

I am not without problems. I’m splitting the personality so I can trick myself to lose weight. So there’s me the body, BUT now me the mind. The body has run amuck! Now for THE plan. Visual persuasion is my latest thing. I’m down 4 lbs. in two weeks, a Hallmark miracle! ! ! The Read more about #215…Got the Mind Right, Got the Plan[…]

#205…Gardening 101…Mistakes, Lessons Learned…New Plan!

Alert! Behind the Pampas grass lurked this turtle, where I was pulling weeds by hand. Good grief! A snapping turtle no less. Gardening in the country is not about knowledge of plants, it is about, who’s going to have their way, man or beast? I’m not believing I’ve won. In May, I planted so many Read more about #205…Gardening 101…Mistakes, Lessons Learned…New Plan![…]