#231…Gotta Focus on the Good Around Us

I need a heavy dose of God around me. There is soooo much bad stuff going on. Tell me, where do 10,000 evacuated people…so far 10,000, go? How do they go to work and make $$ to pay the bills? Where do they eat? The fires and wind rage with no end in site. Don’t Read more about #231…Gotta Focus on the Good Around Us[…]

#218…But, Joy Cometh in the Morning

Many of you call me a workhorse with endless energy. Have you considered that 5 children had something to do with it? There is NO goofing off when you live with a crowd. I once hung a sheet of paper above my washer and dryer. End of the week…16 hash marks for loads done! And Read more about #218…But, Joy Cometh in the Morning[…]

#205…Gardening 101…Mistakes, Lessons Learned…New Plan!

Alert! Behind the Pampas grass lurked this turtle, where I was pulling weeds by hand. Good grief! A snapping turtle no less. Gardening in the country is not about knowledge of plants, it is about, who’s going to have their way, man or beast? I’m not believing I’ve won. In May, I planted so many Read more about #205…Gardening 101…Mistakes, Lessons Learned…New Plan![…]

#202…Garden Decor of Course…if You are Me

If there’s something to find at a garage sale to paint, to repurpose, I, of course have to decor the garden plots too. Everything has a story, everything tells who I am, it is all me. My surroundings tell my story and the beautiful plants reveal how great God is. Even the rocks in my Read more about #202…Garden Decor of Course…if You are Me[…]

#197…What Signals is He Sending Here?

He couldn’t wait to show me what he so proudly bought FOR ME at Lowe’s! A gift just for me…and I was gonna start on a new book this week. It has occurred to me that Christmas is going to change for him. White sox and underwear, oh, and a tie. He has done family Read more about #197…What Signals is He Sending Here?[…]

#187…Sabbatical Concluded: Conclusions

Two years…have taught me……1)  All my giftings come from family I have never met. 2) Love is the ONLY way. 3) God is the new Santa Claus. I started this sabbatical in Nov. of 2019. My life had gotten sooooo busy, so filled with self made projects, club responsibilities, gardening, flood disasters and I needed Read more about #187…Sabbatical Concluded: Conclusions[…]

#185…The Joy of Facebook

I am overwhelmed by all the birthday greetings I received through my Facebook family. MOST  humbly, I thank all of you for your kind thoughts, remembrances, silly comments…pictures…etc….etc…etc! It’s wonderful to have the love of friends, to realize that we all struggle through common issues, just the names are changed, but that the same things Read more about #185…The Joy of Facebook[…]

#164…A New Dog…ALL Things NEW

My new Granddog coming home to Florida from being rescued in North Carolina. I am already sooo in love with this 20 month old newfie….only because the owner became ill and went for a covid test…only because she was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer instead, this puppykins is beginning a new life. Reflecting back to Read more about #164…A New Dog…ALL Things NEW[…]

#161…Gathering Thoughts

Yes, why are these pictures in the same sentence? What sense do they make together? This has become the clutter of my mind. This is 2020. I am fast approaching the 1st year anniversary of my sabbatical, a plot to get my life in order and all loose ends tied. A two year plan designated Read more about #161…Gathering Thoughts[…]

#160…A Letter to my Dog

Well, I don’t have to tip toe around anymore sneaking out to my flower plots to do some work UNNOTICED by you! I swear you slept with one ear up listening for ANYONE to throw your ball. Your life was about your toys. I don’t know if people could believe that you lay there for Read more about #160…A Letter to my Dog[…]