#191…-8 Degrees Outside, Rabbit Trailing

#1daughterconniesezthemagicwordsImissedmymamalet’sgoshopping! Having just returned from a road trip, it seemed the most logical thing for us to do. A few more days and I can paint some furniture in the garage, yes it has to be at least 50 degrees, so gathering ideas is good. Those decals fascinate me. I have to have visual ideas Read more about #191…-8 Degrees Outside, Rabbit Trailing[…]

#173…Treasure From The Rusty Chandelier Disruption Again………

  It happened again! #1daughterconnie and I went shopping at the fave, The Rusty Chandelier and there it was, the dancing picture. I had to have it. That’s me and Russ…..in my “skinny mind” but true when we were dating….not so long ago. Sixteen dollars. So I brought it home and slid it behind a Read more about #173…Treasure From The Rusty Chandelier Disruption Again………[…]

#171…Crocus, Spray Paint and Next Project

Another spring is here. The crocus is up and the daffodils and tulips and non-stop work for the next 6 months. That is why I love winter so much, though I never got my blizzard this year…..but I can do nothing but read IF I want, and piddle with my projects AS I want. But Read more about #171…Crocus, Spray Paint and Next Project[…]

#162…An Old Gal, OLD GLORY and a New Day!

God has so many surprises for us! Who would have thunk the older I get, the more new roads open up before me and then in the middle of Mom in law going into hospice….Merry Christmas happens! I was born into an unwanting family to two young people who could not work things out. My Read more about #162…An Old Gal, OLD GLORY and a New Day![…]

#155…Beware of Aisle Dancing

  Life is not perfect. Being a very detailed person, I work overtime trying to make everything just right, especially when “Company’s Coming!” Of late, I have experienced some cooking casualties…the sweet potatoes not quite baked long  enough, the meat a bit OVER cooked. It seems I have to google often for oven temperatures and Read more about #155…Beware of Aisle Dancing[…]

#143…Shelter at Home………..with Pinterest

As is my habit, it’s time to change out my winter knick knacks to spring decor. Almost May and I haven’t done it yet? It could be because it keeps snowing; throw in a world wide pandemic AND living 24 hours a day with a man who cannot go golfing…. The biggest frustration with my Read more about #143…Shelter at Home………..with Pinterest[…]

#135…Tweaks, Peeps and Perks

, Hub side kick told everyone last year our house is never the same from one week to another. He has now revised it…he never knows what he will walk into. So I posted Weds. morning that the remodel was done, decorated…..finishing touches done……beautiful! Then I left and spent the day with #1daughterconnie. Thrift stores, Read more about #135…Tweaks, Peeps and Perks[…]

#134…Ladies & Gentlemen…Start Your Bids! Final Reveal.

Two months from start to finish. The magic word, as always, “HONEY!…what to you think of……..?” What I never thought would happen was that hub sidekick has been learning for the past 7 years all these decorating ideas FROM ME and now has his own itinerary! ! !  Most of the things in this open Read more about #134…Ladies & Gentlemen…Start Your Bids! Final Reveal.[…]

#132…It’s ALL About the Hunt…SURPRISE! ! ! !

I’ll never forget the mortified look on Russ’s face when asking him to mount the full size bicycle on the dining room wall. Everyone loved it. Everyone talked about it. Eventually he got used to it and four years later when I asked him to take it down, he was very sad. “Why?” Well, I Read more about #132…It’s ALL About the Hunt…SURPRISE! ! ! ![…]

#130…Retro Kitchen Reveal #1

Hard to believe we finally got this project done and still have a marriage left. Golf season can’t come soon enough! So basically this is a antique kitchen with only the wine and retro refrigerator actually working.  The wood burning stove was pulled out of a barn in the mountains of Colorado…found by Russ on Read more about #130…Retro Kitchen Reveal #1[…]