#234…A New Year, Forgiveness…A Good Read, Click on APPLY!

Down the hatch with 2024! I shed a lot of tears last year. So many things went south. Every time we turned around. something with the house, MAJOR, had to be repaired. There were 3 1/2 months of disruption to getting the front room remodeled… more major breakdowns. Every piece of equipment overhauled! Sixteen tires Read more about #234…A New Year, Forgiveness…A Good Read, Click on APPLY![…]

#219…Jump Starting Christmas June 28…Not My Fault!

It is not my fault that yesterday I had to save myself from the embarrassment of being THREE DAYS LATE with my Christmas decor because Tammie Jones posted a fb video of Darryl working on his Christmas lights..LIT lights! So I had to get these lit wrapped packages out on my patio just to save Read more about #219…Jump Starting Christmas June 28…Not My Fault![…]

#217…The Button Lady

I went to a friend’s garage sale Friday and came home with several “treasures”! Hub side-kick immediately moved his “new” Christmas outdoor Santa Claus and another TALL plaque into his holiday warehouse. The thrill for him being 1st, there are some major repairs to be done, which he excels in…and 2nd, that when he “decors” Read more about #217…The Button Lady[…]

#203…That led to This…This to That…and Then…

It is very simple to explain. It is ALL Shirley and Sue’s fault! What to do in July, when day after day is over 100 degrees heat index? All gardening has to be done betwixt 5:30 and 7:00 AM, followed by a shower. The Christmas music is playing, IT IS Christmas in July, people. There’s Read more about #203…That led to This…This to That…and Then…[…]

#201…The FACTS…change

Never in a million years have there been more then 4 people in a FAMILY picture of where I came from, ok there was one with 1 person extra, another time an extra 2, but I had to travel to Poland to get those pictures except the original 4 had become only 2 and so Read more about #201…The FACTS…change[…]

#195…Trending Now…Editing

My best friend Marge Lavenburg, continually causes me problems. She has embedded in my mind…”simplify”. Her stinkin’ thinkin’ follows me around like a shadow. Knowing that garage sales start up in about 4 weeks has me shaking with the thrill of the hunt, but nervous that, that crazy woman is going to whisper “simplify…” and Read more about #195…Trending Now…Editing[…]

#194…He Delights in Us When We Draw Near to Him

I am ecstatic. I prayed believing, because I have always prayed about everything since the day I lost my baby son and I cried out to the Lord. Not to say I don’t have my problems like everyone else, but I am never alone….Sometimes the Lord has to carry me in His arms. And there Read more about #194…He Delights in Us When We Draw Near to Him[…]

#193…In Search of the Next Big Thing…A Spinet Piano

The best way to confront a “happy” husband in my house is to tell him in the morning, “we are having spaghetti tonight.”  If I really need to set the stage….I will have a can of tomato sauce and an unopened bag of angel hair spaghetti and an onion sitting on the counter next to Read more about #193…In Search of the Next Big Thing…A Spinet Piano[…]

#189…NO, Thank You

As most do, I also contemplate all the new changes that I’m going to make for the new year, but have finally given up on the physical fitness workout and dieting once and for all. Maybe not in my mind, but not committing verbally across my lips.  Yet it is so exciting to anticipate the Read more about #189…NO, Thank You[…]

#188…A New Year, 1st Snow

4 AM, just a dusting so far. A happy time. SNOW ALL DAY! Come on, this girl was born in Cleveland, Ohio. Take me home…city roads, lake effect……..Of course I don’t have to drive so it’s a wonderful day at home looking out the window at God at work decorating his palette. A minimalist, at Read more about #188…A New Year, 1st Snow[…]