#64…Chaos in the Cactus of my Mind, Part 1….Thinking About It…

    Yup, here we go again. Amazing how the picture of this homemade beer-can Saguaro cactus has been the driving force of my new vision.  It’s the series,  The HUNT, The Treasures, the $1 Silly, all over again. The guest bedroom started with the $1 Silly mirror with the blue and orange colors….the whole room Read more about #64…Chaos in the Cactus of my Mind, Part 1….Thinking About It…[…]

#56…The HUNT, The Treasures, the $1 Silly…part 7…….It All Came Together for the FINAL REVEAL ! ! !

         It’s been an amazing 3 months putting this guest bedroom together from the original yellow bedspread. The 2nd (means that I bought another and had to take it back) rug from Target for $20. The 2nd bedspread from Bed Bath and Beyond on clearance for $89, Blue pillow from a Pensacola Florida Antique Read more about #56…The HUNT, The Treasures, the $1 Silly…part 7…….It All Came Together for the FINAL REVEAL ! ! ![…]

#55…Tomorrow…..It’s Coming….The $1 Silly….Part 6…….THE FINAL REVEAL ! ! !

You won’t believe it! First I buy these lockers, Then Mary Jo shows me pictures of her white bedrooms and I buy the $1 silly, of which I design the whole room around this thing.  Finally done. Tomorrow morning I will put it all together in my blog. Never knew it would run in this Read more about #55…Tomorrow…..It’s Coming….The $1 Silly….Part 6…….THE FINAL REVEAL ! ! ![…]

#54…The HUNT, The Treasures, the $1 Silly…….Maybe on Track Now?

Curtains have to come down. Found a whole new look . Bought the material strips at Jo-Ann’s for 50% off. Think I like the driftwood better then string. I did not know this trend existed till I saw it at Miles Antique Mall and knew this was the answer to the bedroom I have struggled Read more about #54…The HUNT, The Treasures, the $1 Silly…….Maybe on Track Now?[…]

#53…The HUNT, The Treasures, the $1 Silly….Stuck and Back on The HUNT!

       Trying to perfect a re-do has got me dragging my feet. I don’t know if I’m spread so thin and can’t concentrate because I have so many things going on? Never should have gotten that white bedspread for white walls. So now, the splash has to be stunning. I found a lovely table and Read more about #53…The HUNT, The Treasures, the $1 Silly….Stuck and Back on The HUNT![…]

#52…The HUNT, The Treasures, the $1 Silly….Part 3……Tweeking

      Now it’s getting crazy! The room is getting stripped down to the basics. The yellow basket is for sale today on St. Joe Swap & Shop…..the blue bag by the bed is in the bus, now a holding tank for 3 blankies…..the cheese boxes are stashed there instead……I’m afraid the red in the Read more about #52…The HUNT, The Treasures, the $1 Silly….Part 3……Tweeking[…]

#51…The HUNT, The Treasures, the $1 Silly..Part 2….The Reveal

      Go back to my March 28 blog and you’ll see the room as it was…green walls…yellow bedspread. But it was all about finding those $153 high school lockers that made my pitter patter race! On the wall by them is the $1 silly with the color scheme for the room. Russ did a wonderful Read more about #51…The HUNT, The Treasures, the $1 Silly..Part 2….The Reveal[…]

#46…The HUNT, The Treasures, the $1 Silly…the Plan!

    I am minding my own business. Ah, yes, I will check out the antique mall in Mesa…always looking for Christmas gifts. Ok, so it’s January. But to know me, is to know that all my Christmas is wrapped by the 1st of Sept….ribbons and tags. List complete! So I come across these $153 lockers Read more about #46…The HUNT, The Treasures, the $1 Silly…the Plan![…]

#24…Buzzing #bob’sbigboy #drivein ! ! !

Took a walk down memory lane at #chandler’s #merchantsquare. Not often we walk out of a place with $$ still intact. To say the least, they were pricey. But, my goodness did they have treasures! ! !  “If I were a rich man” (Fiddler on the Roof) we could have backed up a huge truck Read more about #24…Buzzing #bob’sbigboy #drivein ! ! ![…]