#122…Where Have the Years Gone To?

Twenty five years old holding my 3rd child. Today, my grandchildren are holding their babies, though those great grandbabies will be approaching their pre-teen years within 3+ years. Wow! So much to do…but it is so funny, I find the older I get, the more I have to do. There doesn’t seem anyway to simplify Read more about #122…Where Have the Years Gone To?[…]

#98…Almost on Sabbatical…Making it Work!

The kids all know when coming to visit Mom, PS……bring your work clothes. It has taken Russ eight years to put things together on what is going on and now he is turning on us.  #2daughter2Too and I come home from long morning of shopping only to discover that Pops has removed an outside door Read more about #98…Almost on Sabbatical…Making it Work![…]

#84…ah…..Spring! Welcome to Floods, Flowers and Weather Alerts!

You all know how I love to have fun with everything, but it’s been such a struggle this morning to laugh in my heart with all the flooding going on around us.  Joetown is ok last I heard last night, but they are sandbagging on the south end and expecting the worst . Though there Read more about #84…ah…..Spring! Welcome to Floods, Flowers and Weather Alerts![…]

#83……..Wrapping Up Winter Projects….

It’s not fun getting older. I work longer days and get less done only to accumulate more projects! Working this fall and winter sweeping the house of every project, every loose thread, everything undone and unfinished for years! ! ! Working on photo albums, researching family genealogy for my DAR application…..cleaning out every closet and Read more about #83……..Wrapping Up Winter Projects….[…]

#82…On the Road To Becoming a Daughter Of The American Revolution (DAR)

       This is a difficult, overwhelming road to travel, putting together facts PROVING who my family is/was to qualify to become a Daughter of the American Revolution. Already we have found 5 Patriots in our family and it is so exciting to realize how many women that I am mother and grandmother to, ok, great-grandmother Read more about #82…On the Road To Becoming a Daughter Of The American Revolution (DAR)[…]

#81……When hell Freezes Over and Hairlips Every Cat in the County….

     Russ HATES to paint. There is no worse thing to ask him…”Honey………….could you just cut out the ceiling atop the ladder because it’s  too tall for me to reach??? Honey?” The man is GONE! He will gladly spend 4 hours removing the baseboards and taping off all the woodwork he has not removed, but Read more about #81……When hell Freezes Over and Hairlips Every Cat in the County….[…]

#80……Revisiting a Midwest Winter

       Judging by my Facebook gang, I’m probably the only person who truly loves winter and does not want it to end….. yet. OK, so I was raised in Cleveland Ohio and had to walk uphill both ways to school, YES during lake effect weather! How did I survive! But for every obstacle, every cloud, Read more about #80……Revisiting a Midwest Winter[…]

#78… My Foundation Has Crumbled….PIGS DO FLY ! ! !

       Four things I know for certain, in concrete….We have to pay taxes, and then we die, mail is delivered come rain or shine………… AND pigs don’t fly! The foundation of my beliefs has crumbled, pigs DO fly, so out comes the Dyson Pet Vacuum (Beds, Bath, & Beyond ON SALE of course, AND THEN Read more about #78… My Foundation Has Crumbled….PIGS DO FLY ! ! ![…]

#76…..Gone to the Birds, I Need Answers…….

     Reading may be a delight to some…to me it’s a back breaker. Yes books are wonderful if I can sit down long enough, and if I can make it to the 3rd chapter, then the hook is set and I will read almost non-stop to the end…edge of chair…nail biter…can’t put it down. But Read more about #76…..Gone to the Birds, I Need Answers…….[…]

#71…We Three Girls From Disorient Are…………Lit Up! ! ! ! ! !@

    2 Too & Bobby came to town on Black Friday from Pensacola.  What to do but have #1 daughter, Connie and her sidekick, Jeff-in law to join us to celebrate simultaneously Thanksgivingchristmasandbirthdays over some real good food! Such a festive evening. No, I did not forget to put the rice in the green rice Read more about #71…We Three Girls From Disorient Are…………Lit Up! ! ! ! ! !@[…]