#235…Living with a Compatriot

It now takes him longer to get dressed then me. He has his higher-then-knee, stockings. Of course the dark orange garters…The white nightshirt to his knees…all of which has to be tucked into his britches. You think I’m pulling your leg. Then a very tight vest buttoned to the top…Oh, 1st, a cowled black neck Read more about #235…Living with a Compatriot[…]

#222…The City Sleeps. The Storm Rages. I Write.

Laying there in bed at 3 AM with the thunderstorms screaming around me, I was so filled with thoughts, of ideas…of autumn! Time for a blog. So my thoughts are on the future. I had decided I was in the winter of my life yesterday because I wasn’t feeling well, but I’m thinking this morning Read more about #222…The City Sleeps. The Storm Rages. I Write.[…]

#217…The Button Lady

I went to a friend’s garage sale Friday and came home with several “treasures”! Hub side-kick immediately moved his “new” Christmas outdoor Santa Claus and another TALL plaque into his holiday warehouse. The thrill for him being 1st, there are some major repairs to be done, which he excels in…and 2nd, that when he “decors” Read more about #217…The Button Lady[…]

#211…Dancing the Night Away…With Elaine & John Chirieleison

How we miss you. It must be that the two of you were such class acts because you were originated in New York. We had such wonderful times with you at the Eagles Lodge dancing the night away. You saw me thru all my single years with sooo many stories about me you DIDN’T share…and Read more about #211…Dancing the Night Away…With Elaine & John Chirieleison[…]

#210…The Truth About Church…The Real Truth

I’m having my coffee right now and reflecting on “The Church Experience!” We attend Grace Calvary Church in St. Joseph MO.  Let me explain exactly what “church” is…a typical Sunday. Almost to the door of church, “Oh Russ, we left our bags of groceries in the car for the food drive”. He immediately turns around Read more about #210…The Truth About Church…The Real Truth[…]

#209…I’m proud of you…I take it back

I love the season of Christmastime. The excitement of the holidays, the songs, the lights, anticipation of the TRADITIONAL meal only eaten ONCE a year, yes I did say once a year. The borscht with mushroom ears, pickled herring, the boiled pear dumpling, poppy seed cake, yes those are things ONCE a year on Christmas Read more about #209…I’m proud of you…I take it back[…]

#206..There IS Beauty in Ashes

I was 20 years old when I attended my 1st funeral…grandfather in law, Joe Davault. People stood in line for 3 city blocks for the visitation. At 25, I buried my 3 month old son. At 32, I flew to LA to bury an uncle in law. I was 1 of 4 people at the Read more about #206..There IS Beauty in Ashes[…]

#200…Once Upon a Time…in Schenectady New York….

…my daddy was born. Last month, hub side kick and I, traveled back to discover my roots. I met everyone, everything, everywhere for the 1st time. My two cousins, daughters of my father’s sister, and their families. The emotions and tears have been overwhelming. But what a special gift from God to give us 3 Read more about #200…Once Upon a Time…in Schenectady New York….[…]

#187…Sabbatical Concluded: Conclusions

Two years…have taught me……1)  All my giftings come from family I have never met. 2) Love is the ONLY way. 3) God is the new Santa Claus. I started this sabbatical in Nov. of 2019. My life had gotten sooooo busy, so filled with self made projects, club responsibilities, gardening, flood disasters and I needed Read more about #187…Sabbatical Concluded: Conclusions[…]

#185…The Joy of Facebook

I am overwhelmed by all the birthday greetings I received through my Facebook family. MOST  humbly, I thank all of you for your kind thoughts, remembrances, silly comments…pictures…etc….etc…etc! It’s wonderful to have the love of friends, to realize that we all struggle through common issues, just the names are changed, but that the same things Read more about #185…The Joy of Facebook[…]