#180…$2 Color Infusion Staging for 2022

If you read my last blog about my painting of the month club, you see that I have a new entry from the one garage sale I went to yesterday, a treasure for $2! Hub sidekick did not smile or say a word. Little does he know I have a new vision!  Ok, yes, I Read more about #180…$2 Color Infusion Staging for 2022[…]

#146…SHOPPINGAGAINMAY4th…ohboyohboyohboy! ! !

I already know I’m going to be in all kinds of trouble. The garage sale queen of deals is going to be let loose. Definitely a pop in the oven pizza for supper that night. Oh no, that won’t do…it will be our 7th wedding anniversary. Seems right that IF Chuck got an OUTBACK’S take Read more about #146…SHOPPINGAGAINMAY4th…ohboyohboyohboy! ! ![…]

#135…Tweaks, Peeps and Perks

, Hub side kick told everyone last year our house is never the same from one week to another. He has now revised it…he never knows what he will walk into. So I posted Weds. morning that the remodel was done, decorated…..finishing touches done……beautiful! Then I left and spent the day with #1daughterconnie. Thrift stores, Read more about #135…Tweaks, Peeps and Perks[…]

#119…’Twas The Night Before…

‘Twas the night before dawn…And quiet through the house…The news was blasting, the coffee was on…..Hub side-kick was tucked, asleep in the bed…The morning was mine, a delight to be had… When outside the window, came a horrible crash. A cow mooed. First light showed, no cow had strayed…Mr. got up, to the basement he Read more about #119…’Twas The Night Before…[…]

#104…YELLOW on my Mind…Again!

Yellow object’s de art don’t look the best when your walls are a burlap color. On top of that,…THAT being the ceiling, IT is a dark paper sack brown. So awaiting my upcoming 2 year sabbatical, when I can go room by room changing everything! ! ! I can’t hardly wait to get started but Read more about #104…YELLOW on my Mind…Again![…]

#100…Living with aixelsyD

All my life I’ve had certain difficulties I’ve lived with because that’s just the way I am. Transposing numbers for one…you see 31, I see 13…But as I’ve grown older, there have been patterns that I’ve never been able to overcome, one of the toughest being in High School English class. The worst test was Read more about #100…Living with aixelsyD[…]

#98…Almost on Sabbatical…Making it Work!

The kids all know when coming to visit Mom, PS……bring your work clothes. It has taken Russ eight years to put things together on what is going on and now he is turning on us.  #2daughter2Too and I come home from long morning of shopping only to discover that Pops has removed an outside door Read more about #98…Almost on Sabbatical…Making it Work![…]

#89…Daughters, Mileage and Repacking the Car

  There’s nothing sweeter then experiencing your daughter as an adult, as your mostest bestest friend, traveling companion and partner in crime…..So my 1st trip, with her a mother of 3, we  drove from Kansas City to Los Angeles, round trip 3400 miles, to see family. We got sunburned in a Phoenix gas station at Read more about #89…Daughters, Mileage and Repacking the Car[…]

#84…ah…..Spring! Welcome to Floods, Flowers and Weather Alerts!

You all know how I love to have fun with everything, but it’s been such a struggle this morning to laugh in my heart with all the flooding going on around us.  Joetown is ok last I heard last night, but they are sandbagging on the south end and expecting the worst . Though there Read more about #84…ah…..Spring! Welcome to Floods, Flowers and Weather Alerts![…]

#76…..Gone to the Birds, I Need Answers…….

     Reading may be a delight to some…to me it’s a back breaker. Yes books are wonderful if I can sit down long enough, and if I can make it to the 3rd chapter, then the hook is set and I will read almost non-stop to the end…edge of chair…nail biter…can’t put it down. But Read more about #76…..Gone to the Birds, I Need Answers…….[…]