#148…Again, a New Chapter

I played with calling this Pandemic a “NEW” normal as everyone is calling it, but that particular “new” in my life happened when I got divorced after 33 years. That gut wrenching trauma amidst waling and panic attacks flip flopped my life forever. It was my sentence, one broken and lonely night when I said Read more about #148…Again, a New Chapter[…]

#145…Pandemic Gardening

It took “Shelter At Home” to catch me all up on my gardening for the 1st time in my life! There is not one weed in my flower plots, unless they grew overnight. This year I planted huge pots with tomatoes, pickling cucumbers, onions, radishes, purple foot long green beans and dill. The perennials are Read more about #145…Pandemic Gardening[…]

#143…Shelter at Home………..with Pinterest

As is my habit, it’s time to change out my winter knick knacks to spring decor. Almost May and I haven’t done it yet? It could be because it keeps snowing; throw in a world wide pandemic AND living 24 hours a day with a man who cannot go golfing…. The biggest frustration with my Read more about #143…Shelter at Home………..with Pinterest[…]

#142…Home Bound, Iced In, 3 Ways to Prepare Fresh Beets

Our date night was this morning. A rendezvous to Cosentino’s Price Chopper. Of course we dressed for the occasion in our finest vinyl disposable gloves. Unfortunately I had to wake hub side kick at 6:30 after reading that we would have freezing rain by 9 AM. Grumbles got up and we left. A short time Read more about #142…Home Bound, Iced In, 3 Ways to Prepare Fresh Beets[…]


I just can’t do it. All this time at home during this pandemic, I am NOT going to spend time watching TV. There is too much life to live while there is life left….. Governor Cuomo said it this morning…what is happening in New York City is coming to your city…..For us, we have had Read more about #141…#AloneTogether[…]

#140…Date Night…Pandemic Style

We are very respectful of the law and all the restrictions imposed on our locality for CoVid-19. So if it’s legal…we can do it! Like everyone else, we are taking advantage of this down time to do all projects around our home. So hub side kick sez, he can finish his project tomorrow, or RIGHT Read more about #140…Date Night…Pandemic Style[…]

#124…Saying Goodbye to a 10 Year Run…

I HATE CHANGE! Today, a few moments ago, I shut down my eBay store, tt SECOND GO ROUND by teptithings13. It was a great ride! There were  times in my singlehood when I made $2000 extra a month selling used jeans……on top of my regular daytime job.  And it gave me something to do. I’d Read more about #124…Saying Goodbye to a 10 Year Run…[…]

#123…I Messed Up! Can I Be FORGIVEN?

Well, I did the big one this time and have hurt people’s feelings for which, I am truly sorry. On a Facebook post, on Thanksgiving Day….I gave thanks for so many people and OMITTED so many more…..I plead insanity, I plead being old and forgetful, I plead ignorance for not realizing that you cannot mention Read more about #123…I Messed Up! Can I Be FORGIVEN?[…]

#122…Where Have the Years Gone To?

Twenty five years old holding my 3rd child. Today, my grandchildren are holding their babies, though those great grandbabies will be approaching their pre-teen years within 3+ years. Wow! So much to do…but it is so funny, I find the older I get, the more I have to do. There doesn’t seem anyway to simplify Read more about #122…Where Have the Years Gone To?[…]

#118…The Lying Grip of Fear.

This is a hard one. We’ve had a tuff year with Russ getting sick. Was out on a trip to Grand Island Neb in April and the doctor’s office called and said he had pneumonia and to get medicine. He did not know he was ill, but complained of his lungs hurting, but could it Read more about #118…The Lying Grip of Fear.[…]