#236…Finishing up House Projects and Transitioning to Yard Workhorse

I was actually going to sneak out yesterday and rake a plot and sow poppy seeds which need to be inspired by cold weather AND IT RAINED.  Then the blizzard hit amidst 70 mph winds, the ice set in; power went out and cancelled our SAR meeting for tonight. Hub-sidekick has a good attitude about Read more about #236…Finishing up House Projects and Transitioning to Yard Workhorse[…]

#231…70 Degree Drop In One Day…This is Missouri

This is February after all. So this week has been 70’s and then 80..and now this morning snow and 12 degrees. My friends have been asking what all have I been doing outside? The weather never determines my activities. Everything in my life is planned by 4 seasons. Spring does not officially start for almost Read more about #231…70 Degree Drop In One Day…This is Missouri[…]

#229…Valentine’s Day at a New Level

Flowers are true love, chocolate the finest gift…if not diamonds… This morning I experienced the next level of love. Hub side-kick took some time thinking about this. I have been awaiting therapy for arthritis pressing on my nerve endings in my neck and somehow I had fallen between the cracks with an appointment and 4 Read more about #229…Valentine’s Day at a New Level[…]

#227…Books, Magazines Get Me in Trouble…Again

Where do all these projects come from? Why, my beloved magazines…HGTV, BETTER HOMES & GARDENS, GOOD HOUSEKEEPING, WOMAN’S DAY, REAL SIMPLE, COUNTRY HOME and GARDEN GATE. Sometimes 4 issues will come in 1 day. I’m in heaven! But I cannot keep all these magazines, so going thru the pages, there will be nuggets of gold Read more about #227…Books, Magazines Get Me in Trouble…Again[…]

#205…Gardening 101…Mistakes, Lessons Learned…New Plan!

Alert! Behind the Pampas grass lurked this turtle, where I was pulling weeds by hand. Good grief! A snapping turtle no less. Gardening in the country is not about knowledge of plants, it is about, who’s going to have their way, man or beast? I’m not believing I’ve won. In May, I planted so many Read more about #205…Gardening 101…Mistakes, Lessons Learned…New Plan![…]

#204…Dog Days of an Extreme Summer

There has to be a word beyond extreme…Maybe grueling. There has been so much work outside unlike ever before. Day after day of 100+ heat index with enough rain to keep that grass growing and everything else non-stop growing, and then seriously growing. Most generally by the end of July the grass is parched and Read more about #204…Dog Days of an Extreme Summer[…]

#203…That led to This…This to That…and Then…

It is very simple to explain. It is ALL Shirley and Sue’s fault! What to do in July, when day after day is over 100 degrees heat index? All gardening has to be done betwixt 5:30 and 7:00 AM, followed by a shower. The Christmas music is playing, IT IS Christmas in July, people. There’s Read more about #203…That led to This…This to That…and Then…[…]

#202…Garden Decor of Course…if You are Me

If there’s something to find at a garage sale to paint, to repurpose, I, of course have to decor the garden plots too. Everything has a story, everything tells who I am, it is all me. My surroundings tell my story and the beautiful plants reveal how great God is. Even the rocks in my Read more about #202…Garden Decor of Course…if You are Me[…]

#199…As Soon as Sprinter is Over…

I’m tired of having summer, fall, winter, winter, summer coming on…Just when I was hoping freezing temperatures and daily snow would stop, SPRINTER has brought high winds, tornados and  flying debris to our state. My friend, Jim Brooke, has nailed it. “The earth has wobbled off it’s axis.” How else can this be explained? I Read more about #199…As Soon as Sprinter is Over…[…]

#196…Ah…New Lists, Spring To-Do’s

…and snow! So late in the season, so I have more time to do things with my spring cleaning. Washing ceiling and table fans. Cleaning out our libraries of books we don’t want to keep…Ironing a table scarf. Today, I need to gut the cabinets in 2 bathrooms, throw out junk and restack  the shelves Read more about #196…Ah…New Lists, Spring To-Do’s[…]