#180…$2 Color Infusion Staging for 2022

If you read my last blog about my painting of the month club, you see that I have a new entry from the one garage sale I went to yesterday, a treasure for $2! Hub sidekick did not smile or say a word. Little does he know I have a new vision!  Ok, yes, I Read more about #180…$2 Color Infusion Staging for 2022[…]

#179…Painting of the Month Club

Garage sales and antique malls. I confess, I am an addict and very passionate about my calling.  This year I turned to art. Unfortunately there is limited wall space in my house, so I have had to recycle my paintings and pictures around the rooms. Then I found a tall metal easel  for $10 at Read more about #179…Painting of the Month Club[…]

#175…Another Flood, Another Fall, Mums the Word!

Came home to a flooded basement AGAIN, 3rd time in a year! It had rained 14 ” overnight! Somewhat easier to get on top of this as we had added metal feet to some cabinets and furniture and painted children’s blocks under the hope chest and other items.  The rugs dried out on the patio. Read more about #175…Another Flood, Another Fall, Mums the Word![…]

#173…Treasure From The Rusty Chandelier Disruption Again………

  It happened again! #1daughterconnie and I went shopping at the fave, The Rusty Chandelier and there it was, the dancing picture. I had to have it. That’s me and Russ…..in my “skinny mind” but true when we were dating….not so long ago. Sixteen dollars. So I brought it home and slid it behind a Read more about #173…Treasure From The Rusty Chandelier Disruption Again………[…]

#172…Returning to Normalcy?

What is normal anymore? The world as I remember more then a year ago is gone. Broke. I never can get beyond broke. If something I treasure gets damaged, a crack..a stain……it’s in the trash and now a memory. Love and respect seems to be out the window.  But rather then focusing on the negative Read more about #172…Returning to Normalcy?[…]

#157…The Irishman Does the River Dance

I had JUST mixed up the pink paint for the basement bath cabinet to apply tomorrow morning. Supper was baking in the oven. Jimmy Hatley told us we could walk on our new polymer floor after 4 today. We did at 5 in our bare feet. Oh how beautiful. At 6 o’clock it was almost Read more about #157…The Irishman Does the River Dance[…]

#156…And it Rained 10 Inches…A 2nd Re-DO

It’s only been 5 months since the remodel and last week the flood came…and stood for 2 days, 3 inches deep before I went downstairs to get something……I thank God that it was ONLY rain water and not sewage. We were blessed indeed. We live on a hill, but then so do numerous springs around Read more about #156…And it Rained 10 Inches…A 2nd Re-DO[…]


I just can’t do it. All this time at home during this pandemic, I am NOT going to spend time watching TV. There is too much life to live while there is life left….. Governor Cuomo said it this morning…what is happening in New York City is coming to your city…..For us, we have had Read more about #141…#AloneTogether[…]

#134…Ladies & Gentlemen…Start Your Bids! Final Reveal.

Two months from start to finish. The magic word, as always, “HONEY!…what to you think of……..?” What I never thought would happen was that hub sidekick has been learning for the past 7 years all these decorating ideas FROM ME and now has his own itinerary! ! !  Most of the things in this open Read more about #134…Ladies & Gentlemen…Start Your Bids! Final Reveal.[…]

#133…How ‘Bout Them Chiefs! Living Room Reveal #3

We have earned the right to celebrate our beloved Kansas City Chiefs as the LIV SUPERBOWL CHAMPIONS ! ! ! ! How better then in the decor.  So I am in my MOST favorite antique mall, Rusty Chandelier, in St. Joseph Mo. the day after the Super Bowl and I come across this beautiful wreath Read more about #133…How ‘Bout Them Chiefs! Living Room Reveal #3[…]