#132…It’s ALL About the Hunt…SURPRISE! ! ! !

I’ll never forget the mortified look on Russ’s face when asking him to mount the full size bicycle on the dining room wall. Everyone loved it. Everyone talked about it. Eventually he got used to it and four years later when I asked him to take it down, he was very sad. “Why?” Well, I Read more about #132…It’s ALL About the Hunt…SURPRISE! ! ! ![…]

#131…Bedroom…Reveal #2

One room….. kitchenbedroomlivingroomdiningroomofficeourpresidentgotacquitted! Happy days! Finally the basement is done! The curtains set the stage, the 2 matching rugs incorporate the charcoal black of the hobbit table set, the mint green of the frig…the browns of the furniture and the splotch of orange, the accent splash! ! ! Diane H gave me the yellow folding Read more about #131…Bedroom…Reveal #2[…]

#128…Postpone Reveal…Chaos on the Decor! (3)

Obviously I have lost my mind! How could I have chosen this rug to base my whole palette on? What was I thunking? Thank God that Russ is not saying a word. I saw the silent shake of his head….The problem is that FIRST of all…we are talking open concept, so we have in one Read more about #128…Postpone Reveal…Chaos on the Decor! (3)[…]

#127…A New Year, a New Palette (2)

The remodel is done. Now the color palette is coming together. Awaiting the arrival of the “rug”…..8 ft. round. The colors could awaken the dead. I’m hoping my marriage will survive this unexpected surprise. #1daughterconnie sez it will be wonderful but she’s as crazy as I am. Russ has told people he has no idea Read more about #127…A New Year, a New Palette (2)[…]

#125…Drop Kick a New Color Palette (1)

Got ‘er done! We started with brick wallboard down in our basement….looked on Pinterest for color combinations using light brown furniture and decided the latest color is grey. But oh so many shades of grey, not to mention endless possibilities with browns. Out came the magazines and I started matching the browns, greens, tans….the carpet, Read more about #125…Drop Kick a New Color Palette (1)[…]

#101…Shut ‘er Down

It finally happened. I packed up and shut down my booth at Rusty Chandelier…….my home away from home. Six years of having multiple booths both at Rusty and Jesse James Antique Malls. A great time in my life, somewhere to go, something to do. But a part of my plan to move into my September Read more about #101…Shut ‘er Down[…]

#95…Wrapping 2019 Decor Around a 1970’s VELVETEEN Loveseat!

This was a simpler fixer upper. Only 5 days of Russ having to live in chaos, not asking questions, and sometimes having to make the bed because I did not have time to even consider it. So the first pic shows our white room with magenta panels hung in the corners to match the one Read more about #95…Wrapping 2019 Decor Around a 1970’s VELVETEEN Loveseat![…]

#84…ah…..Spring! Welcome to Floods, Flowers and Weather Alerts!

You all know how I love to have fun with everything, but it’s been such a struggle this morning to laugh in my heart with all the flooding going on around us.  Joetown is ok last I heard last night, but they are sandbagging on the south end and expecting the worst . Though there Read more about #84…ah…..Spring! Welcome to Floods, Flowers and Weather Alerts![…]

#76…..Gone to the Birds, I Need Answers…….

     Reading may be a delight to some…to me it’s a back breaker. Yes books are wonderful if I can sit down long enough, and if I can make it to the 3rd chapter, then the hook is set and I will read almost non-stop to the end…edge of chair…nail biter…can’t put it down. But Read more about #76…..Gone to the Birds, I Need Answers…….[…]

#47…Wedding gifts at antique malls. Of course, where else?

       Do you ever wish you could buy a huge house just to have a blank slate for decorating with junk from garage sales and “stuff” from antique malls? I’m not talking to live in it, but as a project to have somewhere (because your own house and garage and basement and barn are all Read more about #47…Wedding gifts at antique malls. Of course, where else?[…]