#186…Ten Years Later, Making Peace with Mother

Let go, let God. Bottom line, it’s the only thing that works in my life and I realize, FINALLY, I am the major problem here, as It takes me forever to figure things out. I possess a streak of “dumb”. I have Post Traumatic Shock Syndrome. Three things occurred in my life. As a silly Read more about #186…Ten Years Later, Making Peace with Mother[…]

#183…Wasted Years…But Were They?

Two weddings in 2 weeks, what a tuff time with emotions! The Bride is ALWAYS beautiful. The groom absolutely handsome. The wedding well rehearsed, every hair in place, everything perfect. The families of all 4 people knocked themselves out with all the details, the food exquisite, the bars stocked, the music made for dancing under Read more about #183…Wasted Years…But Were They?[…]

#182…Green Tomato Relish, Tornado Sirens, Halloween???

I have either lost my mind or I’m slipping into my 2nd childhood. A powerball win would save me. Then I could hire a crew of people to help do all the projects I come up with. I cannot stop looking around and maybe for the 1st time in my life seeing sooooooo many things Read more about #182…Green Tomato Relish, Tornado Sirens, Halloween???[…]

#179…Painting of the Month Club

Garage sales and antique malls. I confess, I am an addict and very passionate about my calling.  This year I turned to art. Unfortunately there is limited wall space in my house, so I have had to recycle my paintings and pictures around the rooms. Then I found a tall metal easel  for $10 at Read more about #179…Painting of the Month Club[…]

#177…Repurpose, Renew and Mums the Word

I found this beautiful wood box at a garage sale, marked $15, for 10. Plans are for a satin polyurethane inside and out and literally making a foot locker out of it, full of mani / pedi “stuff”! And a perfect top for my purse and swim bag.  It’s that time of year I am Read more about #177…Repurpose, Renew and Mums the Word[…]

#172…Returning to Normalcy?

What is normal anymore? The world as I remember more then a year ago is gone. Broke. I never can get beyond broke. If something I treasure gets damaged, a crack..a stain……it’s in the trash and now a memory. Love and respect seems to be out the window.  But rather then focusing on the negative Read more about #172…Returning to Normalcy?[…]

#171…Crocus, Spray Paint and Next Project

Another spring is here. The crocus is up and the daffodils and tulips and non-stop work for the next 6 months. That is why I love winter so much, though I never got my blizzard this year…..but I can do nothing but read IF I want, and piddle with my projects AS I want. But Read more about #171…Crocus, Spray Paint and Next Project[…]

#160…A Letter to my Dog

Well, I don’t have to tip toe around anymore sneaking out to my flower plots to do some work UNNOTICED by you! I swear you slept with one ear up listening for ANYONE to throw your ball. Your life was about your toys. I don’t know if people could believe that you lay there for Read more about #160…A Letter to my Dog[…]

#153…Tomatoes, Flowers and Dealing w/ THE Dining Room

So good to be outside. No choice there as there’s sooooooo much to do. The tomatoes are really coming on but will have to google if I’m watering too much as there appears to be some rot on the bottom. It’s always a learning process I tell you…but I seek answers constantly, making  my mistakes Read more about #153…Tomatoes, Flowers and Dealing w/ THE Dining Room[…]

#151…The “I Ain’t Got It Right” Dining Room YET!

The canvas IS who I am….my passion, talents….re-design…re-purpose. This treasure I found recently at Rusty Chandelier. I hung it in a neat space above a credenza, but the lighting wasn’t right and the more I looked at it, the more I thought it should go above the fireplace….but it would have been dwarfed by the Read more about #151…The “I Ain’t Got It Right” Dining Room YET![…]