#188…A New Year, 1st Snow

4 AM, just a dusting so far. A happy time. SNOW ALL DAY! Come on, this girl was born in Cleveland, Ohio. Take me home…city roads, lake effect……..Of course I don’t have to drive so it’s a wonderful day at home looking out the window at God at work decorating his palette. A minimalist, at Read more about #188…A New Year, 1st Snow[…]

#184…Have You Sang Your Song?

I’m discovering my 3 adult granddaughters, all beautiful women! Each unique with different genes of all the grandparents they no longer remember. Some of their wonderful traits mingled with the bad stuff. One is  highly intelligent beyond her years. Another has the heart of my grandma and is loving and kind behind her facade, another Read more about #184…Have You Sang Your Song?[…]

#182…Green Tomato Relish, Tornado Sirens, Halloween???

I have either lost my mind or I’m slipping into my 2nd childhood. A powerball win would save me. Then I could hire a crew of people to help do all the projects I come up with. I cannot stop looking around and maybe for the 1st time in my life seeing sooooooo many things Read more about #182…Green Tomato Relish, Tornado Sirens, Halloween???[…]

#180…$2 Color Infusion Staging for 2022

If you read my last blog about my painting of the month club, you see that I have a new entry from the one garage sale I went to yesterday, a treasure for $2! Hub sidekick did not smile or say a word. Little does he know I have a new vision!  Ok, yes, I Read more about #180…$2 Color Infusion Staging for 2022[…]

#177…Repurpose, Renew and Mums the Word

I found this beautiful wood box at a garage sale, marked $15, for 10. Plans are for a satin polyurethane inside and out and literally making a foot locker out of it, full of mani / pedi “stuff”! And a perfect top for my purse and swim bag.  It’s that time of year I am Read more about #177…Repurpose, Renew and Mums the Word[…]

#175…Another Flood, Another Fall, Mums the Word!

Came home to a flooded basement AGAIN, 3rd time in a year! It had rained 14 ” overnight! Somewhat easier to get on top of this as we had added metal feet to some cabinets and furniture and painted children’s blocks under the hope chest and other items.  The rugs dried out on the patio. Read more about #175…Another Flood, Another Fall, Mums the Word![…]

#171…Crocus, Spray Paint and Next Project

Another spring is here. The crocus is up and the daffodils and tulips and non-stop work for the next 6 months. That is why I love winter so much, though I never got my blizzard this year…..but I can do nothing but read IF I want, and piddle with my projects AS I want. But Read more about #171…Crocus, Spray Paint and Next Project[…]

#169…Sometimes It’s Just Good to Clean/Purge House

Oh my goodness! It’s been a long hard winter. Hard to imagine 4 days ago it was -18 degrees with a wind chill of -35. And wrap all this up in a covid like spider web and it has been a time unprecedented ever in my lifetime. It’s gotten so that I love being home Read more about #169…Sometimes It’s Just Good to Clean/Purge House[…]

#167…Wife, Blogger, Gardener, Garage Saler, Stager…Commentator

THE TREE IS STILL UP. It is January 12 and no thoughts of taking it down. Everything else is put away but the tree lingers. Makes for a lovely night light! Other projects are calling my name. The damaged basement is almost done. Now I’m painting some end tables and trying to find cushions for Read more about #167…Wife, Blogger, Gardener, Garage Saler, Stager…Commentator[…]

#160…A Letter to my Dog

Well, I don’t have to tip toe around anymore sneaking out to my flower plots to do some work UNNOTICED by you! I swear you slept with one ear up listening for ANYONE to throw your ball. Your life was about your toys. I don’t know if people could believe that you lay there for Read more about #160…A Letter to my Dog[…]