#133…How ‘Bout Them Chiefs! Living Room Reveal #3

We have earned the right to celebrate our beloved Kansas City Chiefs as the LIV SUPERBOWL CHAMPIONS ! ! ! ! How better then in the decor.  So I am in my MOST favorite antique mall, Rusty Chandelier, in St. Joseph Mo. the day after the Super Bowl and I come across this beautiful wreath Read more about #133…How ‘Bout Them Chiefs! Living Room Reveal #3[…]

#113…Party on a “GARAGE SALE” Patio……

Bill and Connie came over last night for a bbq and to play cards. A dream night under the stars for sure. Thank you Jeff & Jodie Hummer for our beautiful stamped patio. I have never seen anything as spectacular as the magic you spun with that concrete! And to pick our own colors and Read more about #113…Party on a “GARAGE SALE” Patio……[…]

#106…The Kansas City MO West Bottoms Experience

It’s ALL about THE HUNT for THE TREASURE! So #1daughterconnie and I, take on the insane morning rush hour traffic downtown Kansas City in search of the West Bottoms, #1 rated in the U.S., 1st Friday Antique Malls, namely Bella Patina where we started. Unbelievable the things we saw! ! !  It was almost a Read more about #106…The Kansas City MO West Bottoms Experience[…]

#101…Shut ‘er Down

It finally happened. I packed up and shut down my booth at Rusty Chandelier…….my home away from home. Six years of having multiple booths both at Rusty and Jesse James Antique Malls. A great time in my life, somewhere to go, something to do. But a part of my plan to move into my September Read more about #101…Shut ‘er Down[…]

#79……Swapaholic, Shopaholic……Shazam ! ! !

4 AM is a good time to take pics and post on St Joseph Swapaholic. Amazingly, it is surprising how many people are  awake and posting or shopping! But I had to get around early to leave for a one hour drive to Kansas City to my daughter Connie, #1, and partake in a cup Read more about #79……Swapaholic, Shopaholic……Shazam ! ! ![…]

#56…The HUNT, The Treasures, the $1 Silly…part 7…….It All Came Together for the FINAL REVEAL ! ! !

         It’s been an amazing 3 months putting this guest bedroom together from the original yellow bedspread. The 2nd (means that I bought another and had to take it back) rug from Target for $20. The 2nd bedspread from Bed Bath and Beyond on clearance for $89, Blue pillow from a Pensacola Florida Antique Read more about #56…The HUNT, The Treasures, the $1 Silly…part 7…….It All Came Together for the FINAL REVEAL ! ! ![…]

#55…Tomorrow…..It’s Coming….The $1 Silly….Part 6…….THE FINAL REVEAL ! ! !

You won’t believe it! First I buy these lockers, Then Mary Jo shows me pictures of her white bedrooms and I buy the $1 silly, of which I design the whole room around this thing.  Finally done. Tomorrow morning I will put it all together in my blog. Never knew it would run in this Read more about #55…Tomorrow…..It’s Coming….The $1 Silly….Part 6…….THE FINAL REVEAL ! ! ![…]

#51…The HUNT, The Treasures, the $1 Silly..Part 2….The Reveal

      Go back to my March 28 blog and you’ll see the room as it was…green walls…yellow bedspread. But it was all about finding those $153 high school lockers that made my pitter patter race! On the wall by them is the $1 silly with the color scheme for the room. Russ did a wonderful Read more about #51…The HUNT, The Treasures, the $1 Silly..Part 2….The Reveal[…]