#236…Finishing up House Projects and Transitioning to Yard Workhorse

I was actually going to sneak out yesterday and rake a plot and sow poppy seeds which need to be inspired by cold weather AND IT RAINED.  Then the blizzard hit amidst 70 mph winds, the ice set in; power went out and cancelled our SAR meeting for tonight. Hub-sidekick has a good attitude about Read more about #236…Finishing up House Projects and Transitioning to Yard Workhorse[…]

#231…Gotta Focus on the Good Around Us

I need a heavy dose of God around me. There is soooo much bad stuff going on. Tell me, where do 10,000 evacuated people…so far 10,000, go? How do they go to work and make $$ to pay the bills? Where do they eat? The fires and wind rage with no end in site. Don’t Read more about #231…Gotta Focus on the Good Around Us[…]

#231…70 Degree Drop In One Day…This is Missouri

This is February after all. So this week has been 70’s and then 80..and now this morning snow and 12 degrees. My friends have been asking what all have I been doing outside? The weather never determines my activities. Everything in my life is planned by 4 seasons. Spring does not officially start for almost Read more about #231…70 Degree Drop In One Day…This is Missouri[…]

#228…I’m Back…Reflecting…

Geez, It’s been 3 1/2 months since I last posted! So much has happened to change my life. We had to get ready for our train trip to Schenectady New York in October. Prepare all the flower plots for winter…the farm…equipment, winterize the motorhome, the house, pack, leave the house clean…so much to do, not Read more about #228…I’m Back…Reflecting…[…]

#219…Jump Starting Christmas June 28…Not My Fault!

It is not my fault that yesterday I had to save myself from the embarrassment of being THREE DAYS LATE with my Christmas decor because Tammie Jones posted a fb video of Darryl working on his Christmas lights..LIT lights! So I had to get these lit wrapped packages out on my patio just to save Read more about #219…Jump Starting Christmas June 28…Not My Fault![…]

#192…There’s Not Much Time Left To Rest…

  This is the sweetest time of the year for me, a quiet time to count my blessings, catching up on some books, cleaning out (editing my house, the magazine article said), trying new recipes…everything at my leisure. 5 Feb today. I’m good for 1 more week. Temps will be in the 50’s. In 2 Read more about #192…There’s Not Much Time Left To Rest…[…]

#190…To be Best, be Better!

Traveling 2 days to Florida was an eyeopener!. We are used to bringing our own bedroom and kitchen in our RV, but we opted to take our truck. Everything as we knew it, changed because of the covid. The struggle has been real. Poverty abounds. Businesses have shut down….food prices, I cannot say how devastating! Read more about #190…To be Best, be Better![…]

#188…A New Year, 1st Snow

4 AM, just a dusting so far. A happy time. SNOW ALL DAY! Come on, this girl was born in Cleveland, Ohio. Take me home…city roads, lake effect……..Of course I don’t have to drive so it’s a wonderful day at home looking out the window at God at work decorating his palette. A minimalist, at Read more about #188…A New Year, 1st Snow[…]

#180…$2 Color Infusion Staging for 2022

If you read my last blog about my painting of the month club, you see that I have a new entry from the one garage sale I went to yesterday, a treasure for $2! Hub sidekick did not smile or say a word. Little does he know I have a new vision!  Ok, yes, I Read more about #180…$2 Color Infusion Staging for 2022[…]

#174…Life after Death…SSDD

I believe we live parallel lives. Have you ever noticed when you buy a new vehicle, everyone on the road also has the same, AND in your color? Forever ago I had my gall bladder removed only to discover I was the last person on earth to have that done, as everyone had done that Read more about #174…Life after Death…SSDD[…]