#186…Ten Years Later, Making Peace with Mother

Let go, let God. Bottom line, it’s the only thing that works in my life and I realize, FINALLY, I am the major problem here, as It takes me forever to figure things out. I possess a streak of “dumb”. I have Post Traumatic Shock Syndrome. Three things occurred in my life. As a silly Read more about #186…Ten Years Later, Making Peace with Mother[…]

#185…The Joy of Facebook

I am overwhelmed by all the birthday greetings I received through my Facebook family. MOST  humbly, I thank all of you for your kind thoughts, remembrances, silly comments…pictures…etc….etc…etc! It’s wonderful to have the love of friends, to realize that we all struggle through common issues, just the names are changed, but that the same things Read more about #185…The Joy of Facebook[…]

#184…Have You Sang Your Song?

I’m discovering my 3 adult granddaughters, all beautiful women! Each unique with different genes of all the grandparents they no longer remember. Some of their wonderful traits mingled with the bad stuff. One is  highly intelligent beyond her years. Another has the heart of my grandma and is loving and kind behind her facade, another Read more about #184…Have You Sang Your Song?[…]

#183…Wasted Years…But Were They?

Two weddings in 2 weeks, what a tuff time with emotions! The Bride is ALWAYS beautiful. The groom absolutely handsome. The wedding well rehearsed, every hair in place, everything perfect. The families of all 4 people knocked themselves out with all the details, the food exquisite, the bars stocked, the music made for dancing under Read more about #183…Wasted Years…But Were They?[…]

#182…Green Tomato Relish, Tornado Sirens, Halloween???

I have either lost my mind or I’m slipping into my 2nd childhood. A powerball win would save me. Then I could hire a crew of people to help do all the projects I come up with. I cannot stop looking around and maybe for the 1st time in my life seeing sooooooo many things Read more about #182…Green Tomato Relish, Tornado Sirens, Halloween???[…]

#181…The Classy Flea & Me

Oh good grief! Beware of the “hole in the wall” shop walking up Slanted Main St. in Branson Missouri. The Classy Flea has given me nightmares and wrecked my sleep. The place is insane! Every piece of wall and every floor has been artistically painted. How can I replicate that in my home and salvage Read more about #181…The Classy Flea & Me[…]

#180…$2 Color Infusion Staging for 2022

If you read my last blog about my painting of the month club, you see that I have a new entry from the one garage sale I went to yesterday, a treasure for $2! Hub sidekick did not smile or say a word. Little does he know I have a new vision!  Ok, yes, I Read more about #180…$2 Color Infusion Staging for 2022[…]

#179…Painting of the Month Club

Garage sales and antique malls. I confess, I am an addict and very passionate about my calling.  This year I turned to art. Unfortunately there is limited wall space in my house, so I have had to recycle my paintings and pictures around the rooms. Then I found a tall metal easel  for $10 at Read more about #179…Painting of the Month Club[…]

#178…Weeding, Deadheading and Cleaning Out (Luna)Ticks

Good grief! To say Jim is strange is somewhat inadequate. Weird, wild, plum crazy does not even get anywhere near to how he is. Perhaps bizarre scratches the surface….Out of control nails it. Such is this cracked nut in our RV Club. Does such verbage hurt his feelings or offend him? Nah…I’m sure he thinks, Read more about #178…Weeding, Deadheading and Cleaning Out (Luna)Ticks[…]

#177…Repurpose, Renew and Mums the Word

I found this beautiful wood box at a garage sale, marked $15, for 10. Plans are for a satin polyurethane inside and out and literally making a foot locker out of it, full of mani / pedi “stuff”! And a perfect top for my purse and swim bag.  It’s that time of year I am Read more about #177…Repurpose, Renew and Mums the Word[…]