#154…Divide & Conquer

It’s so hard keeping up with LaDonna! She just out-flowers me all the time. I saw her beautiful rose moss that she planted right on her rocks and then told me it was so popular you couldn’t find it anywhere. It goes on the list for spring shopping 2021. Now look what she’s done by Read more about #154…Divide & Conquer[…]

#153…Tomatoes, Flowers and Dealing w/ THE Dining Room

So good to be outside. No choice there as there’s sooooooo much to do. The tomatoes are really coming on but will have to google if I’m watering too much as there appears to be some rot on the bottom. It’s always a learning process I tell you…but I seek answers constantly, making  my mistakes Read more about #153…Tomatoes, Flowers and Dealing w/ THE Dining Room[…]

#152…Studying God for Decorating Ideas

  He gave us eyes to see, a mind to inquire, ears to hear. Can you believe the colors He created for us, the strange crazy looking creatures for our pleasure? The color palette is around us. If we will just sit, be quiet and really look, it’s all there for us, every shade, texture, Read more about #152…Studying God for Decorating Ideas[…]

#145…Pandemic Gardening

It took “Shelter At Home” to catch me all up on my gardening for the 1st time in my life! There is not one weed in my flower plots, unless they grew overnight. This year I planted huge pots with tomatoes, pickling cucumbers, onions, radishes, purple foot long green beans and dill. The perennials are Read more about #145…Pandemic Gardening[…]

#144…Date Night on the Fly…

. We are getting so many projects done during this pandemic. Came home from Lowe’s yesterday with our patio plants on a most perfect sunny NO WIND day..a rarity on this tornado hill! For once, I did not have to tie myself to a tree to plant my flowers. So we spent 7 hours in Read more about #144…Date Night on the Fly…[…]

#142…Home Bound, Iced In, 3 Ways to Prepare Fresh Beets

Our date night was this morning. A rendezvous to Cosentino’s Price Chopper. Of course we dressed for the occasion in our finest vinyl disposable gloves. Unfortunately I had to wake hub side kick at 6:30 after reading that we would have freezing rain by 9 AM. Grumbles got up and we left. A short time Read more about #142…Home Bound, Iced In, 3 Ways to Prepare Fresh Beets[…]

#140…Date Night…Pandemic Style

We are very respectful of the law and all the restrictions imposed on our locality for CoVid-19. So if it’s legal…we can do it! Like everyone else, we are taking advantage of this down time to do all projects around our home. So hub side kick sez, he can finish his project tomorrow, or RIGHT Read more about #140…Date Night…Pandemic Style[…]

#135…Tweaks, Peeps and Perks

, Hub side kick told everyone last year our house is never the same from one week to another. He has now revised it…he never knows what he will walk into. So I posted Weds. morning that the remodel was done, decorated…..finishing touches done……beautiful! Then I left and spent the day with #1daughterconnie. Thrift stores, Read more about #135…Tweaks, Peeps and Perks[…]

#124…Saying Goodbye to a 10 Year Run…

I HATE CHANGE! Today, a few moments ago, I shut down my eBay store, tt SECOND GO ROUND by teptithings13. It was a great ride! There were  times in my singlehood when I made $2000 extra a month selling used jeans……on top of my regular daytime job.  And it gave me something to do. I’d Read more about #124…Saying Goodbye to a 10 Year Run…[…]

#116…HOSTAS have left the Building

I recovered from my exasperation with having planted stuff in the wrong places, picked up my shovel and transformed the 1st flower plot. The HOSTAS are now on the front of the house (that will be another blog when I’m done with that plot) though I must tell you with considerable pride that already new Read more about #116…HOSTAS have left the Building[…]