#181…The Classy Flea & Me

Oh good grief! Beware of the “hole in the wall” shop walking up Slanted Main St. in Branson Missouri. The Classy Flea has given me nightmares and wrecked my sleep. The place is insane! Every piece of wall and every floor has been artistically painted. How can I replicate that in my home and salvage Read more about #181…The Classy Flea & Me[…]

#180…$2 Color Infusion Staging for 2022

If you read my last blog about my painting of the month club, you see that I have a new entry from the one garage sale I went to yesterday, a treasure for $2! Hub sidekick did not smile or say a word. Little does he know I have a new vision!  Ok, yes, I Read more about #180…$2 Color Infusion Staging for 2022[…]

#179…Painting of the Month Club

Garage sales and antique malls. I confess, I am an addict and very passionate about my calling.  This year I turned to art. Unfortunately there is limited wall space in my house, so I have had to recycle my paintings and pictures around the rooms. Then I found a tall metal easel  for $10 at Read more about #179…Painting of the Month Club[…]

#177…Repurpose, Renew and Mums the Word

I found this beautiful wood box at a garage sale, marked $15, for 10. Plans are for a satin polyurethane inside and out and literally making a foot locker out of it, full of mani / pedi “stuff”! And a perfect top for my purse and swim bag.  It’s that time of year I am Read more about #177…Repurpose, Renew and Mums the Word[…]

#172…Returning to Normalcy?

What is normal anymore? The world as I remember more then a year ago is gone. Broke. I never can get beyond broke. If something I treasure gets damaged, a crack..a stain……it’s in the trash and now a memory. Love and respect seems to be out the window.  But rather then focusing on the negative Read more about #172…Returning to Normalcy?[…]

#151…The “I Ain’t Got It Right” Dining Room YET!

The canvas IS who I am….my passion, talents….re-design…re-purpose. This treasure I found recently at Rusty Chandelier. I hung it in a neat space above a credenza, but the lighting wasn’t right and the more I looked at it, the more I thought it should go above the fireplace….but it would have been dwarfed by the Read more about #151…The “I Ain’t Got It Right” Dining Room YET![…]

#146…SHOPPINGAGAINMAY4th…ohboyohboyohboy! ! !

I already know I’m going to be in all kinds of trouble. The garage sale queen of deals is going to be let loose. Definitely a pop in the oven pizza for supper that night. Oh no, that won’t do…it will be our 7th wedding anniversary. Seems right that IF Chuck got an OUTBACK’S take Read more about #146…SHOPPINGAGAINMAY4th…ohboyohboyohboy! ! ![…]

#134…Ladies & Gentlemen…Start Your Bids! Final Reveal.

Two months from start to finish. The magic word, as always, “HONEY!…what to you think of……..?” What I never thought would happen was that hub sidekick has been learning for the past 7 years all these decorating ideas FROM ME and now has his own itinerary! ! !  Most of the things in this open Read more about #134…Ladies & Gentlemen…Start Your Bids! Final Reveal.[…]

#133…How ‘Bout Them Chiefs! Living Room Reveal #3

We have earned the right to celebrate our beloved Kansas City Chiefs as the LIV SUPERBOWL CHAMPIONS ! ! ! ! How better then in the decor.  So I am in my MOST favorite antique mall, Rusty Chandelier, in St. Joseph Mo. the day after the Super Bowl and I come across this beautiful wreath Read more about #133…How ‘Bout Them Chiefs! Living Room Reveal #3[…]

#131…Bedroom…Reveal #2

One room….. kitchenbedroomlivingroomdiningroomofficeourpresidentgotacquitted! Happy days! Finally the basement is done! The curtains set the stage, the 2 matching rugs incorporate the charcoal black of the hobbit table set, the mint green of the frig…the browns of the furniture and the splotch of orange, the accent splash! ! ! Diane H gave me the yellow folding Read more about #131…Bedroom…Reveal #2[…]