#116…HOSTAS have left the Building

I recovered from my exasperation with having planted stuff in the wrong places, picked up my shovel and transformed the 1st flower plot. The HOSTAS are now on the front of the house (that will be another blog when I’m done with that plot) though I must tell you with considerable pride that already new Read more about #116…HOSTAS have left the Building[…]

#111…Fill the Feeders and THEY will Come!

“Stef, come here NOW! QUICK!” Hub side kick NEVER shows excitement, ever…… but when I saw his eyeballs about to pop, I flew off the recliner with unbelievable speed. OMG! That feeder was put together by Russ, and if you notice, we are talking a huge dining room chandelier! That Cooper Hawk was stunning, beautiful Read more about #111…Fill the Feeders and THEY will Come![…]

#109…Hard Day’s Night…Gardening 101

So many mistakes I’ve made this year gardening. So much I have learned. SO much to replant this fall…OMG! Some people plant and enjoy. I plant the most beautiful things in the wrong place, the wrong size, the wrong sun exposure. I’m a slow learner, BUT I am a learner….not a quitter. Last year I Read more about #109…Hard Day’s Night…Gardening 101[…]

#96…Girls Just Out Havin’ Fun!

It’s a road trip to my mailbox. Walking down would take a while. Walking back, uphill could be dangerous in the heat if the vultures saw me take a break. So we leave in the morning for breakfast, a doctor’s appointment and grocery shopping. The girls were all facing us. Of course they are so Read more about #96…Girls Just Out Havin’ Fun![…]

#95…Wrapping 2019 Decor Around a 1970’s VELVETEEN Loveseat!

This was a simpler fixer upper. Only 5 days of Russ having to live in chaos, not asking questions, and sometimes having to make the bed because I did not have time to even consider it. So the first pic shows our white room with magenta panels hung in the corners to match the one Read more about #95…Wrapping 2019 Decor Around a 1970’s VELVETEEN Loveseat![…]

#91…We Interrupt this Wedding to Watch THE RUN FOR THE ROSES!

Nothing is normal in my life. Everything adds up to NUMBERS! So this cowboy, I won’t mention names, invites me out to dinner on our first dating week, BUT first we must watch tv for 2 minutes because the Kentucky Derby is about to RUN FOR THE ROSES. Alright, different people have other interests……..it was Read more about #91…We Interrupt this Wedding to Watch THE RUN FOR THE ROSES![…]

#88…Let the SHOPPING Begin!

Alright, the garage sales start any day now, but I couldn’t stand it another moment. #1 daughter Connie came up to spend the day Monday and we hit almost every antique mall in Joetown. There was one left, but the stores were already closing and the car was packed..we had to unload and repack twice….”we” Read more about #88…Let the SHOPPING Begin![…]

#87…Dogs…Surviving in a Dysfunctional World

It is so difficult to put brokeness on paper, to express one’s thoughts amidst today’s changing times, to survive a lineage of people seeking their own answers and never finding peace and happiness. To be brought into a world where I was not wanted. I have to believe God looked down on me and said, Read more about #87…Dogs…Surviving in a Dysfunctional World[…]

#86…Look What the Cat Drug in

The best description of being a Supervisory Election Judge is called a “30 hour day”. Now I love getting up at 4 AM as I did this morning, but when we HAVE TO set the alarm to intentionally get up at that time it’s a horse of another color……that’s not a cat……but I’m getting to Read more about #86…Look What the Cat Drug in[…]

#84…ah…..Spring! Welcome to Floods, Flowers and Weather Alerts!

You all know how I love to have fun with everything, but it’s been such a struggle this morning to laugh in my heart with all the flooding going on around us.  Joetown is ok last I heard last night, but they are sandbagging on the south end and expecting the worst . Though there Read more about #84…ah…..Spring! Welcome to Floods, Flowers and Weather Alerts![…]