#152…Studying God for Decorating Ideas

  He gave us eyes to see, a mind to inquire, ears to hear. Can you believe the colors He created for us, the strange crazy looking creatures for our pleasure? The color palette is around us. If we will just sit, be quiet and really look, it’s all there for us, every shade, texture, Read more about #152…Studying God for Decorating Ideas[…]

#146…SHOPPINGAGAINMAY4th…ohboyohboyohboy! ! !

I already know I’m going to be in all kinds of trouble. The garage sale queen of deals is going to be let loose. Definitely a pop in the oven pizza for supper that night. Oh no, that won’t do…it will be our 7th wedding anniversary. Seems right that IF Chuck got an OUTBACK’S take Read more about #146…SHOPPINGAGAINMAY4th…ohboyohboyohboy! ! ![…]

#142…Home Bound, Iced In, 3 Ways to Prepare Fresh Beets

Our date night was this morning. A rendezvous to Cosentino’s Price Chopper. Of course we dressed for the occasion in our finest vinyl disposable gloves. Unfortunately I had to wake hub side kick at 6:30 after reading that we would have freezing rain by 9 AM. Grumbles got up and we left. A short time Read more about #142…Home Bound, Iced In, 3 Ways to Prepare Fresh Beets[…]

#137…Living with Hub Side Kick/Self Portrait…

Yes, this oil painting is hanging above the kitchen cabinets. You think I’m weird? This is a self-portrait of hub side-kick, yes, with a donut. A stubborn Irishman, a DIABETIC stubborn rebellious donut totin’ ………..No, I’m not the wife, rather I am the kitchen and restaurant gestapo. My purpose in life is to carry a Read more about #137…Living with Hub Side Kick/Self Portrait…[…]

#135…Tweaks, Peeps and Perks

, Hub side kick told everyone last year our house is never the same from one week to another. He has now revised it…he never knows what he will walk into. So I posted Weds. morning that the remodel was done, decorated…..finishing touches done……beautiful! Then I left and spent the day with #1daughterconnie. Thrift stores, Read more about #135…Tweaks, Peeps and Perks[…]

#134…Ladies & Gentlemen…Start Your Bids! Final Reveal.

Two months from start to finish. The magic word, as always, “HONEY!…what to you think of……..?” What I never thought would happen was that hub sidekick has been learning for the past 7 years all these decorating ideas FROM ME and now has his own itinerary! ! !  Most of the things in this open Read more about #134…Ladies & Gentlemen…Start Your Bids! Final Reveal.[…]

#133…How ‘Bout Them Chiefs! Living Room Reveal #3

We have earned the right to celebrate our beloved Kansas City Chiefs as the LIV SUPERBOWL CHAMPIONS ! ! ! ! How better then in the decor.  So I am in my MOST favorite antique mall, Rusty Chandelier, in St. Joseph Mo. the day after the Super Bowl and I come across this beautiful wreath Read more about #133…How ‘Bout Them Chiefs! Living Room Reveal #3[…]

#131…Bedroom…Reveal #2

One room….. kitchenbedroomlivingroomdiningroomofficeourpresidentgotacquitted! Happy days! Finally the basement is done! The curtains set the stage, the 2 matching rugs incorporate the charcoal black of the hobbit table set, the mint green of the frig…the browns of the furniture and the splotch of orange, the accent splash! ! ! Diane H gave me the yellow folding Read more about #131…Bedroom…Reveal #2[…]

#130…Retro Kitchen Reveal #1

Hard to believe we finally got this project done and still have a marriage left. Golf season can’t come soon enough! So basically this is a antique kitchen with only the wine and retro refrigerator actually working.  The wood burning stove was pulled out of a barn in the mountains of Colorado…found by Russ on Read more about #130…Retro Kitchen Reveal #1[…]

#126… A New TO-DO List…JUST DO IT!

Last New Year’s I struggled with giving up on new year’s resolutions as I realized once and for all they were the call of the moment feelings….everyone talks about it…the hype of the Christmas season is over and now it’s a good time to do a good thing. It’s still hogwash to me. It still Read more about #126… A New TO-DO List…JUST DO IT![…]